Ski Mountaineering in Bolivia
The Andes have some great ski touring and mountaineering terrain, with everything from accessible day trips near downhill resorts to committing expedition skiing on the Patagonian ice-caps. In between these extremes are some very quiet and scenic mountain areas with excellent ski-mountaineering and ski-touring terrain. This page concentrates on the peaks of Bolivia that we have done in the past.
ANDES regularly organise and lead ski mountaineering course in Peru and Bolivia, for more details of the trips we are currently offering please see the Calendar page or our Bolivia Ski Explorer page.
There is a short chapter on ski-mountaineering and many suitable ascents in Bolivia are also described and pictured in the guidebook by John Biggar - The Andes, A Guide for Climbers.
Three areas are detailed here:-
Parinaocta and the Western Volcanoes
Cordillera Real

Andrei skiing on Wila Llojeta at 5000m, Cordillera Real, Bolivia.

On the summit of Janco Huyo, Cordillera Real, Bolivia.

Our campsite by Laguna Jacha Kota.
A big peak of 5869m height located just a few hours form La Paz in the southern Cordillera Real of Bolivia. A nice two day ski-mountaineering ascent.
Mururata from the west.
Ski ascent of Mururata.
Mururata as seen from the public transport Teleferico in El
The Western Volcanoes
The remote west of Bolivia has limited skiing, but the 6342m high Volcan Parinacota, right up on the Chilean border, is one of the best descents in the area.
Setting off for Volcan Parainacota before dawn..... and below carrying skis to the snowline on the north side of Volcan Parinacota.
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